The Guardians with Kesha Bruce
Back in December, I went to the opening of an exhibit at Morton Fine Art gallery in DC. The exhibit featured a new collection of works...
The Guardians with Kesha Bruce
#art #mortonfineart #keshabruce #paintings
The Guardians with Kesha Bruce
#art #keshabruce #mortonfineart #paintings
The Guardians with Kesha Bruce
#art #fineart #paintings #keshabruce #mortonfineart
Max Glam
Walking around in Georgetown last week and spotted these lovely chairs in the Jonathan Adler store window. I love these! So glam!...
HENSE The Name...
A little vision will take you a long way... I'd seen pictures of this church floating around Instagram for months and seen the church...
The Pantone Project
There's an adage which touts that inspiration exists all around us. I've always believed it is possible to find beauty and inspiration in...
Ceilings: The Most Ignored Territory On The Homefront
The most ignored space in the home is the ceiling. Homeowners spend oodles and oodles of time and money decorating their walls and...
On Lucite
I normally don't write about fashion on this particular blog but fashion and interior design go hand in hand, influencing and borrowing...
2013 DC Design House: An Early Look
If you follow me on Instagram or Tumblr or Twitter, then you may have seen some of my photos from the 2013 DC Design House earlier this...