Inspiration by way of Instagram
Being inspired is very important to me. Inspiration is what motivates me to accomplish any and every thing. Inspiration helps me operate this blog. It helps me develop new design ideas. It is why my notebooks are filled with doodles of ideas for furniture and fabric. Frequently, I look at something that was designed for one purpose and it inspires me to incorporate something from it into a design for something with an altogether different purpose. I once heard that to be inspired was to be “in spirit” with God. I can believe it. When I am inspired, my heart feels full and expansive; I feel capable and imaginative. For me inspiration shows up in many forms. I am as inspired learning about and being surrounded by people who have achieved great things and those who press on with joy and hope in the face of overwhelming odds as I am by architecture, nature, poetry, literature and art. I love to visit places that inspire me, as well as be in the company of those who inspire me but when I am not able to do that, there is one tool that is my go-to for inspiration and that tool is Instagram.
Instagram is my favorite social media app. It is a place I look to discover new fashion trends, interior designer projects, artist exhibitions and so forth. It has allowed me to discover many new to me designers, artists, creatives and makers. My network is ever growing and expanding because as I follow new creatives, I learn of other creatives and the circle grows and grows. My favorite Instagram accounts are the artists. I have discovered the work of so many talented artists while using the app and have even had the opportunity to experience some of their work in real life. If you are looking for inspiration, check out a few of the accounts below!
Art by James Verbicky (@jamesverbicky). Image via @dtrmodern Instagram account
Art by Cesar Biojo
Photo via @cesarbiojo Instagram account
Art by Cesar Biojo
Imagae via @cesarbiojo Instagram account
Art by Kwangho Shin
Photo via @shinkwangho329 Instagram account
Art installation by Daniel Arsham
Photo via @danielarsham Instagram account
Shattered glass human sculpture by Daniel Arsham
Photo via @danielarsham Instagram account
Shattered glass human scultpure by Daniel Arsham
Photo via @danielarsham Instagram account
Art by James Verbicky (@jamesverbicky)
Photo via @dtrmodern Instagram account
Art by Kwangho Shin
Photo via @shinkwangho329 Instagram account
#thebeachDC art installation by Daniel Arsham
Photo via @danielarsham Instagram account
Sculpture by Daniel Arsham
Photo via @danielarsham Instagram account